NAD Therapy

What is NAD Therapy?

One alternative therapy in the holistic approach for substance abuse treatment is called natural assisted detox, amino acid therapy or NAD therapy. NAD stands for Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, a metabolic enzyme important in repairing the cells in the body. Substance abuse usually leads to depleted levels of vitamins and proteins, thereby making this detox therapy an appropriate option. By replenishing vitamins and minerals, the patient experiences fewer withdrawal symptoms. As an enzyme, NAD is also a key factor in creating energy. Certain cells in substance abusers may not have sufficient energy, which may in turn lead to other diseases.

Natural assisted detox helps to holistically restore functions such as cell restoration to combat these symptoms and expedites the healing process to better ensure a patient’s comfort during recovery.

How does NAD therapy work?

First used in the 1960s and developed since then, NAD treatment includes orally-administered amino acid supplements and intravenous-administered minerals which alleviate fatigue, anxiety and depression; they normalize stress levels, restore mental clarity and renew a sense of wellbeing. The intravenous delivery will take place over the course of several hours for a period of 10 to 14 days. Following a few days, patients often report improved cognitive clarity and up to an 80 percent improvement rate by day four. Each daily infusion must be completed for maximum effectiveness. In addition, the substance abuser should also undergo psychological counseling to ensure their detox and overall treatment is successful. The treatment has been used for a wide range of controlled substances, including marijuana, cocaine, opiates, benzodiazepines and more.

Benefits of NAD Therapy

NAD Therapy is both a natural and safe form of treatment that generates cellular energy. It is an activated form of vitamin B3 that has a number of potential benefits for patients, including greater attentiveness and clear-headedness. Additionally, this form of detox has also been shown to improve memory and concentration. The individual may also feel more emotionally stable and experience improved mood. NAD eliminates pathogens and therefore assists in eliminating disease as well. Those who support the use of NAD often believe that it helps to encourage patients to participate in effective therapies.

Other adverse effects of NAD deficiencies by increasing NAD enzyme levels through therapy that were depleted from substance abuse, the patient will be more likely to avoid the negative consequences that may otherwise arise. According to Scott Rahway of Life Extension Magazine, lower levels of NAD may increase the likelihood of inflammation to the blood vessels. This may lead to a heart attack or stroke as a result. Fat may also be more likely to be stored in the liver due to low NAD levels, which may lead to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Low NAD may also cause the body to produce fatty tissue more readily. The person may be more susceptible to loss of muscle strength and instances of fatigue. He or she may also be more prone to an increase in blood sugar levels. Cells will not be as effective in removing glucose from the blood.

A more natural means of increasing NAD levels is to limit the amount of calories in one’s diet. However, this method is much more impractical than the modern infusion methods that are used today. As NAD therapy continues to be studied in the medical field, future innovations related to it can be expected to be made. According to Patricia Inacio of Multiple Sclerosis News, recent research states that it may be used to treat multiple sclerosis in the future. NAD therapy would help to affect a molecule that exists in the disease differently. Therefore, new opportunities for improved immunity and regression of the disease may be possible.