Holistic Primary Medical Care
Specializing in Sports Medicine, Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections, Prolotherapy, Ozone Therapy, Pain Management, Back Pain,
Weight Loss, and Alternative Care

The Principles of Naturopathic Medicine
✓ First do no harm
✓ Identify and Treat the Cause
✓ Doctor as Teacher
✓ Use the Healing Power of Nature
✓ Prevention is the Best Medicine
✓ Treat the Whole Person
We Offer Comprehensive, Naturopathic Medical Services
- I.V. Therapy
- Ozone Therapy
- Lifestyle Counseling
- Routine Physical Exams
- Specialized Lab Testing
- Stress Management
Nutritional Counseling & Supplementation
Metabolic Detoxification
Natural Pain Management
- Natural Hormone Balancing
Botanical Medicine
Homeopathic Medicine
Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections
- Prolozone Therapy
- Neural Therapy
Trigger Point Injections
- Myofascial Release Techniques
Structural/Postural Re-Alignment
Tips from Dr. Josh
- Drink more water than you think is enough – aim for 1/2 of your body weight in ounces
- Get more sleep – preferably 8 hrs each night
- Eat Mindfully – eat smaller, more nutrient dense meals (preferably organic & free-range when possible), more frequently & slowly
- Stay limber with daily yoga &/or stretching
- Laugh everyday – the ultimate solution for health, happiness & longevity!
- Stay present & live with intention – don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future; do what you can now with positivity & gratitude
- Manage your stress through exercise, diaphragmatic breathing, meditation, prayer & other coping mechanisms
We have Viora’s V20 Multi-Technology Platform
The most popular patient requests that can be treated with Viora’s V20:

- Skin Tightening, lifting, stretch marks and post-acne scars
- Body and facial Countering and circumferential reduction
- Cellulite Reduction
- Skin Resurfacing
- Skin Rejuvenation
- Hair Removal
- Acne Clearance
- Vascular & Pigmented Lesions
- Hyperpigmentation